How Mobile Devices Changed the Way We Do Everything

mobile devices changed the way we do everything

Since the arrival of smartphones, more consumers have relied on their devices in various aspects of their lives. Research has revealed that almost 77 of Americans own a smartphone, a 35 percent increase from 2011. But why have smartphones become so crucial in our lives? These devices have shaped how people shop, meet with others and do their businesses. Smartphones will continue to transform the digital landscape, with employees preferring to hire workers willing to adapt to tech changes.

Smartphones have become a more preferable means of receiving news than newspaper prints. With a mobile device, you can reach out to friends and relatives from around the world in a host of quick, reliable ways. Access to the internet via mobile devices makes it easier and convenient to get information about anything you want. Here is how mobile technology has transformed today’s lives.

Access to Everyone

Access to the internet has become a game-changer in modern life. Smartphones are more affordable than traditional desktop computers. They are also portable, consume less power, and are available with a built-in keyboard and monitor. Smartphones allow millions of people around the world to access the internet from anywhere. Research claims that 1 in 5 Americans relies on a mobile device to access the internet. Also, 1 in 10 Americans prefers using a mobile phone over a home computer. Mobile devices are a means for people in developing countries to look up information and keep connected.

Increased Connectivity

A simple phone call can bring about an immeasurable impact on people’s lives. From the convenience of swiping to access a wedding planning timeline to getting help in an emergency, mobile devices have been a game-changer in various events. Mobile devices offer a range of reliable ways to connect with people around the world. You probably rely on your mobile device for various connection-related tasks. You can use it to send emails, texts, or make calls. It will be easier to catch up with friends, relatives, and work colleagues in the process. Communication apps and social media offer dozens of additional connection options critical in times of an emergency.


It seems most people prefer mobile payment options over cash. Businesses have had to adapt to the use of mobile payment options and other electronic POS systems. More retailers are integrating tap-and-go payment options into their payment systems. For example, Apple Pay has registered over 12 million users since its launch. Its users are expected to increase as more shoppers integrate mobile payment options into their smartphones.


Medical practitioners are utilizing mobile devices to stay in touch with their patients. A 2015 survey has revealed that therapists and doctors alike use their mobile devices to keep up with telehealth trends. Patients can also use their smartphones to reach out to their physicians and inquire about their condition before booking an appointment, saving their money and time.

Travel and Vacation

A study by TripAdvisor has shown that most travelers are using their mobile devices to search for travel destinations and book their holiday homes. Nearly half of the participants reported using their mobile phones to book an adventure, a flight, and a hotel after arriving at their destination. Similarly, resorts and hotels use smartphones to keep an eye on potential visitors. As a result, holiday homes have become more concerned about their customers’ affairs than ever because travelers can now express their disappointment with a specific resort or hotel on social media platforms. On the contrary, a hotel or resort can turn their customers’ frustrations into a marketing opportunity by resolving various public social media networks.


Smartphones have become an essential tool during emergencies. Rescue teams are using mobile devices to track exact locations through GPRS. With a smartphone, you can always reach out to a rescue team in emergencies such as medical emergencies, fire, floods, or car breakdown. Mobile device owners who have found themselves in an emergency have always used their smartphones to call up for help. So, mobile phones are reliable safety gadgets that have and will continue saving lives.

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