How to Streamline Your Management Process: Setting Objectives

how to streamline your management process setting objectivesImplementing and streamlining management processes is an essential part of business as it allows for the smooth-flowing of daily tasks as well as specific projects. Setting objectives plays a key role in ensuring deadlines are met and goals are achieved, but with so much to think about on a daily basis, what’s the easiest and most-effective way of setting objectives?

Make the Most of Software Add-Ons

While heading up a small team has its own challenges, leading a large group of people can be chaotic unless it’s done efficiently. That’s why it’s a good idea to make the most of software add-ons such as UpRaise which is designed to be perfectly compatible with JIRA. Not only can you set specific objectives and link them to your existing JIRA tracking product, but you can also monitor the progress of your team as a whole in real-time. This allows you to make proactive changes if you see the pace is slipping or certain projects are going off-track.

Encourage Your Team to Work Together

As the popular saying goes, “there’s no I in team”. Without effective communication tools it can be easy for staff to get lost in their own world, focussing solely on individual tasks rather than projects as a whole. So, make sure your employees can all see their assigned objectives, the status of each task (whether it’s complete, deferred, in progress or ready) as well as the due date and progress made. Simple graphs and pie charts also make it easy to see the quantity of work assigned to each department through the use of specific labels as well as when work is due and overdue.

Promote Progression and Improvement

Setting objectives for your team is of paramount importance, but it’s also crucial to give individuals personal goals to work towards. Use software to enable you to give continuous feedback, rather than waiting for monthly 1-2-1s or annual reviews! This will give team members a boost, as well as ongoing constructive criticism to help everyone to understand their strengths and weaknesses so they can adapt from task-to-task.

An individual’s skillsets and abilities will change regularly depending on their experience and exposure to different challenges, which is why agile management techniques are now preferred in many organisations. They eliminate that feeling of frustration and dread associated with annual reviews and give a voice to both staff and management throughout the year. Try it as part of your process for setting objectives: you may find that it helps to eliminate workplace issues or feelings of discontentment.

Produce Accurate Predictions and Reports

Producing accurate predictions and reports is not always easy, but by streamlining your management processes and monitoring assigned objectives in real time you can get true insights into your team’s behaviour. This will allow for more realistic forecasts, and ultimately it will make meeting those objectives all the more achievable!

Strong managerial processes can make or break a company, so it’s well-worth looking into the most-effective ways to set objectives and organise a team from a managerial point of view too.

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