How to Get Right in Digital Marketing Competition

how to get right in digital marketing competition

Before the age of digital marketing, let us look at the very reason why marketing took place. During the ancient Greek period, people gathered around a place called an “agora”. It is a central public place where all kinds of human interests are being displayed and discussed, ranging from politics, business, sports, and entertainment. Even social and spiritual aspects are being discussed. Today, there is a similar scenario of what marketing was in ancient times compared to what is happening at present. The only thing that changes is the “arena”, the physical representation of a market is now being digitally structured into a webpage.

A webpage can be a platform to discuss just anything under the sun. But, in the digital business world, the discussion is anything but related to consumer satisfaction. Thus, a website should put the right content. This kind of web content will help the website get included in the online Search Engine Optimization (SEO) program. With so much at stake and so many competitions, one should analyze these market dynamics using SEO competitor analysis.

Checking the Right Content

The first impression lasts. That is true in the digital marketing world where a website’s design includes the aesthetic appeal and the right content. Remember, content is the rationale of why the search began in the first place. So, to have a higher chance to be included in the search engine optimization program, you should have the right content.

Nowadays, predictive analytics are being utilized by website programmers. It is a computer program that mimics the user’s mentality and behaviour, eventually trying to “predict” what the user will type. But no matter how “optimized” your website is, if the user’s needs are not being met, then a website will die just like a natural death. Thus, SEO competitor analysis should not only focus on technically optimizing a website; but also, on adding some human touch. It is not just about building links, but also about hitting the right targets – your potential buyers.

Hitting Right Targets

In business, trust is important. This kind of trust will come out naturally if there is a relationship already cemented beforehand. Sometimes, a relationship is more than skin-deep. Knowing the visitor’s intent, why he visited your website, how you can help him, and how to interact with them passionately – these are essentially digital business relationship skills.

Again, it is not about how many users you get to visit your page, but about how many right users you have will eventually give you “relevant traffic”. Merely capitalizing on raw keyword use is not enough; SEO competitor analysis should match keywords to the user’s intent. You just do not put in the right content, with the right buttons on the right website, but with the wrong visitors.

Setting Right Marketing

Altogether, the right content and human touch can bring in the right people to sustain the business. All of these should be present on a website, thereby creating the right website structure.  It would be best if you integrate technical efforts with social efforts to establish better website visibility.

In this competitive world, business transactions are happening, and huge profits are being collected in “real-time”. And so, we need to build “real” relationships with the right kind of people. After all, marketing is not about technical tricks, but it is about people.”

Author Bio:

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Ester Adams is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry.  She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.

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