New Free Theme Coming Soon – Timeline Digest

screenshot from original psd layered

A free theme will be coming in few days. Its been months now since my last free theme release. With the recent completion of some work, i took some time during it to work on this can say 30 minutes in client work and 10 minutes in this work..just to catch up some time 🙂

Ok Give Some Brief About The Theme

Timeline digest is a 3 column theme. The total body width are at standard of 960 pixel width, blog entry or post content area are large enough about 500 pixel width. The homepage will be in excerpt mode with separate latest post with rounded dark box and normal post with white background.

What include in Sidebar?

Of course sidebar are very important side to optimize as this one had a stand out rss feed block that had enough room for feeds via rss and feeds via email and also some space of your feed chicklet if needed.

A featured post will also incoded with thumbnail custom field optimize with or without the used of custom meta field.

Separated top block and lower block with left and right sidebar to input the original wordpress category, archives, meta etc.

Coming Soon….

The theme will be available for download within couple of days so stay tuned and grab yourself a fresh copies..

-richie k

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