How to Tell Your Website is Out of Date!

time-for-update-websiteIf your company website is out of date, it’s very damaging for your business. An old-looking site turns visitors away – not just because it looks a bit tired, but because people won’t have good expectations of it. They’ll expect it to be lacking in many functions, or to be slow and inefficient. It’s vital for your website to stay fresh and new, so if you see any of these seven signs on your site, it’s time to get your web designer in to give it an overhaul.

Your Site Has An Intro Page

Intro pages are the internet equivalent of the flag-waving guy who was employed to walk in front of the first cars. Outdated, irrelevant and, well, in the way. Intro pages mean that sites take longer to load, ask for more clicks and turn people away from the real business end of the site.

There’s No Call To Action

Your website isn’t just your shop window; it’s not just there to inform, it’s there to guide visitors to the “buy now” button. People are there to find out about what you do and potentially to buy some of it, so make sure it’s easy – include guides and buttons throughout the pages.

Your Site Isn’t Mobile-Responsive

This is a biggie. More people are accessing the internet from mobile devices than from desktops now, so if your site has no mobile version, or if it doesn’t recognize the screen it’s on, you’ve got a problem. Responsive sites are essential – no-one wants to horizontal scroll and play around with oversized pages on tiny screens anymore and they don’t have to. They’ll just bounce and most Perth web design companies expect responsive to be the new paradigm.

Your Site Has No Social Media Connections

Your website simply has to connect to social media or else it’s going to look like it was coded in the Dark Ages. There are almost 1.6 billion Facebook users now, and YouTube is the second most visited website. If you can link your site to this enormous marketplace, you’ll get shares, retweets and so on. It almost goes without saying that you need a company FB page as well,

You’re Using Text Within Images

If text is within an image, search engines can’t read it and neither can visitors who choose to disable images. If it’s important content, it needs to stand alone and be counted (or read…).

You Have Lots Of Different Fonts and Colours

You need consistency – both to reassure visitors that they’re still looking at the same company and to make you look professional. Your website is a crucial part of your brand development, so don’t overload and confuse visitors with changing text colours and different fonts. It’s so 1998.

Your Site Was Created In Flash

Ouch! Flash is as dead as disco (OK, we know disco isn’t really dead, it’s all about the alliteration…). Many types of devices can’t even read it – Apple devices are notorious for eschewing Flash and if iPeople can’t see what you have to show them, you’ll just sink without a trace, which defeats the basic purpose of having a website, right?

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