Performance Optimization Tips For Magento Based Sites

make-images-search-in-magento-a-flawless-procedureMagento stands out as a highly popular eCommerce platform that actually powers around eighty percent of all the internet stores from all around the world. As with every single site out there, page loading speed will be really important, arguably a lot more important than with other stores. Customers do not really want to wait. In fact, statistics show that the best online store will actually load in just three second. This is what you want to opt for. Optimizing the Magento site is a necessity.

The big problem with this platform is that you tend to keep adding extensions for Magento and other elements. When you do this, loading speed goes down. At the same time, you have to consider other things as you optimize Magento websites.

Poor Website Performance

We have to first understand why performance is bad. In most situations the problem is website size. We normally see increases of around 25% in page size per year. This does lead towards a lot as time passes. Businesses that incorporate too much on a page end up with serious optimization problems. The good news is that Magento offers many optimization techniques that can be implemented. This is something that you need to know as much as possible about.

Always remember the following when you use your Magento product manager and you add more to the eCommerce site:

  • Close to 50% users of users abandon sites in the event that load times are higher than three seconds.
  • Customer conversion rates will be increased by one percent when page load time is decreased by only 100 milliseconds.

A really simple thing that you can do is to sprite CSS, JS files and images in order to reduce the HTTP requests made from the server. Spriting images always improves the performance of a Magento website as all images are combined and merged into 1 image source. The source is placed in one URL and only requires one HTTP request. Speed optimization is helped out and you will quickly see the difference.

Lazy Loading For Images

Speed optimization for Magento through lazy image loading procedures is a good idea. That practically means that images would be loaded only when users scroll.

PHP And MySQL Performance Tuning

You can turn MySQL into cached database queries. That will improve site load times. Database cache is effectively activated with the use of a simple PHP parameter: “query_cache_size”. In a similar way, you will want to use “realpath_cache” size with the purpose of reducing disk lookup numbers.

PHP Accelerator

One of the best things that you can do when you want to optimize the site speed of a Magento site is to use a PHP accelerator. This is practically an extension that will cache PHP scripts. You no longer have to parse scripts every single time when they are requested. Website speed can be improved a lot because of this.

Full Page Cache Use

Magento offers a really great way to improve speed through full page cache. This will make the site store the behavior of the user when the first log-in happens. When the following log in takes place, Magento will utilize cached files instead of asking the server to process the data.

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