The 4 Simple Tricks for Getting Your CTA Buttons Clicked

the-4-simple-tricks-for-getting-your-cta-buttons-clickedAre you tired of your product and landing pages generating traffic but not converting visitors into customers? If you’re average time on page metrics are good, but bounce rates are high, then it probably means there’s a missing link in the conversion funnel. Specifically, you should turn your attention towards your CTA buttons.

The Role of CTA Buttons

CTA buttons may seem simple and trivial, but they’re the culmination of a lot of hard work. If the conversion funnel is a racetrack, the CTA button is the checkered flag at the finish line. It’s the moment of truth – will your investment pay off, or will the user bounce?

While most of the hard work takes place prior to the CTA button, some of the different factors related to the button – such as placement, colors, and text – have a direct impact on the “clickablity” of the button. Get these things right and you may enjoy high conversion rates. Get them wrong and all of your time, money, and energy could be wasted.

With that being said, here are a few simple tricks for getting your CTA buttons clicked at a higher rate.

1. Use Color Contrast

The entire point of a CTA button is to attract attention. If they button doesn’t scream “look at me,” then you’re doing something wrong. But this doesn’t mean you have to do something obnoxious. With a little bit of color contrast, you can garner all the attention you need.

Check out this landing page from PrintingCenterUSA for the perfect example. Notice how the background colors are grey and white, while all of the CTA buttons are pink. This simple pink on white contrast is enough to draw additional attention to the buttons and no-doubt provides a boost to their bottom line.

2. Try Action Words

The words you use on CTA buttons matter. This aspect of the conversion funnel shouldn’t be an afterthought or last minute addition. It needs to be well planned and carefully considered in the context of the bigger picture.

One popular strategy is to use verb or action words that engage the audience. These include words like “start,” “grow,” and “discover.” If your product is designed to help customers overcome a pain point, negative words – such as “sick,” “worried,” and “confused” – can produce positive results.

3. Make Sure Buttons Look the Part

As mentioned, contrast is a great way to make a button stand out. But did you know that color and shape also matter? According to a test from ContentVerve, rounded green buttons do better than blue rectangular buttons. (Producing a 35.81 percent increase in conversions.) Understanding how shapes and colors work together to engage your audience is a big part of moving customers to action.

4. Keep Buttons Above the Fold

When marketers think about landing page funnels, they often picture a literal funnel. As such, they assume that customers enter the funnel at the top and then convert at the bottom. While this is true figuratively, don’t put the CTA button at the bottom of a page. CTA buttons belong above the fold – such as in this example from HubSpot. Most people won’t ever make it to the bottom of the page, and you want your CTA to get as much exposure as possible.

Maximize Your Conversions

Conversions are the lifeblood of your online marketing campaigns. And while big picture elements get most of the attention, you can’t afford to forget about the smaller details that still have a large impact.

One such detail is the CTA button. Learn how to use it effectively and you’ll benefit tremendously.

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