Social Jet – Social Counter Schema Markup Opengraph WordPress Plugin

This WordPress Plugin will sky rocket your social endeavour and make your site more visible to search engines Schema micro-data search query and social network connections.

Are you tired of your site search query decreasing everyday from search engines? Do you want to show-off how many Facebook Fans or Twitter Followers you have? Want to add open-graph meta into your site without editing your template code? You all heard about schema mark-up is good for SEO right? well do you want to add this features without editing your site template code?

Let me introduce you to our new all in one social boost WordPress Plugin, Social Jet.

What’s under the hood of Social Jet?

[list type=”check”]

  • Social Counter Widgets for popular social media platform such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube and LinkedIn
  • Open-graph meta for Facebook and Google+
  • Facebook Fan Page Widgets
  • Twitter Card Meta for Twitter
  • Twitter User Timeline API 1.1 Feed Widgets
  • Auto SEO Schema Mark-up for article and comments *multi-authors supported
  • AddThis Social Sharing Button with tracking and publisher ID options
  • Bonus! – Simple Flickr Photo Feeds widgets


How to install Social Jet?

  1. Download, unzipped and upload the ‘social-jet’ folder into your WordPress ‘plugins’ folder.
  2. Go to your site admin dashboard -> plugins and choose Social Jet and activate it
  3. Setup and save all available options in newly created admin menu in dashboard -> Social Jet.
  4. Clear cache if you have any cache plugins installed such as wp-super-cache.

Extending Social Jet Plugin (FAQ)

[accordian_list title=”1. Optimize Title and Descriptions”]
The Social Jet WordPress Plugin allowed some level of extension from other plugin code. Take for example if you have All in One SEO Pack installed, you can use the aioseo plugin title and descriptions for social jet open-graph meta title and descriptions. Just simple add this to your theme functions.php

For Home Title and Single Post/Page Title
[php]function add_dez_aioseo_title_meta() {
global $post,$aioseop_options;
$post_aioseo_title = get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘_aioseop_title’, true);
$hometitle = $aioseop_options[‘aiosp_home_title’];
if ( is_singular() ) {
if ( function_exists(‘aioseop_load_modules’) && $post_aioseo_title) {
$og_title = $post_aioseo_title;
} else {
$og_title = esc_attr( get_the_title() );
} else {
if ( function_exists(‘aioseop_load_modules’) && $hometitle) {
$og_title = $hometitle;
} else {
$og_title = get_bloginfo(‘name’);
return $og_title;

For Home Description and Single Post/Page Descriptions
[php]function add_dez_aioseo_desc_meta() {
global $post,$aioseop_options;

$post_aioseo_desc = get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘_aioseop_description’, true);
$homedesc = $aioseop_options[‘aiosp_home_description’];
if ( is_singular() ) {
if ( function_exists(‘aioseop_load_modules’) && $post_aioseo_desc) {
$og_desc = $post_aioseo_desc;
} else {
$og_desc = esc_attr( get_the_excerpt() );
} else {
if ( function_exists(‘aioseop_load_modules’) && $homedesc) {
$og_desc = $homedesc;
} else {
$og_desc = get_bloginfo(‘description’);
return $og_desc;
[accordian_list title=”2. Change Social Counter Icons”]
Open wp-content/plugins/social-jet/inc/social-counter/images/ you’ll see a list of images like sc-facebook.png, sc-twitter.png and more…
Just upload the same image name and extension into your current theme ‘images’ folder and the plugin will use the first detected social images inside your current theme ‘images’ folder.
[accordian_list title=”3. Change Footer Schema Data”]
Add this to your theme functions.php
[php]function dez_sj_add_schema_in_footer() {
$schema_pub .= ‘<span itemscope="" itemtype="">’;
$schema_pub .= ‘<span class="post-schema">’;
$schema_pub .= ‘<span itemprop="name">MY HOME TITLE</span>’;
$schema_pub .= ‘<span itemprop="description">MY HOME DESCRIPTIONS</span>’;
$schema_pub .= ‘<span itemprop="url">MY HOME URL</span>’;
$schema_pub .= ‘<span itemprop="copyrightYear">2003-2013</span>’;
$schema_pub .= ‘</span></span>’;
return $schema_pub;
add_filter(‘sj_get_footer_schema’, ‘dez_sj_add_schema_in_footer’);[/php]
[accordian_list title=”4. Recommended for bug free plugin usage”]
If you are using Mesocolumn WordPress Theme, delete schema.php and ‘addons’ folder.
[accordian_list title=”5. How to change the default no image?”]
add this to your theme functions.php or custom-functions.php
[php]function dez_sj_add_opengraph_home_img() {
return ‘’;
add_filter(‘sj_opengraph_home_image’, ‘dez_sj_add_opengraph_home_img’);[/php]

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