Easier PHP Functions Code Insertion with WordPress Functionality Plugin

There are tons of simple WordPress PHP functions snippet code shared by WordPress Community but sometime in order to use the code snippet, you’ll need to manual edit or insert the code into your theme functions.php. In some cases, users will have limited access to your FTP client to proceed with the code insertion. This is where WordPress Functionality Plugin comes in handy.

WordPress Functionality Plugin allowed you to insert your PHP Code Snippet via admin dashboard, no more tingling with your WordPress templates, just copy paste the new code into the filed area which the plugin provide.

This WordPress plugin automates the process of creating a functionality plugin. Simply install and activate this plugin, and your very own functionality plugin will be created for you. You can then edit your functionality plugin and add snippets to it using the quick link in the admin menu.

What’s the benefit of this WordPress Plugin?

  • Your functions are not tied to your theme, so they will not be affected by theme upgrades
  • Your functions are not affected or deactivated when you switch themes because they are separate from your theme

How to use this WordPress Plugin?

Install and activate the WordPress Functionality Plugin and copy paste below code into wp-admin->plugins->edit functions field area.

* Plugin Name: Test Functions
* Plugin URI: http://www.dezzain.com
* Description: simple dummy testing functions
* Author: Richie KS
* Author URI: http://www.dezzain.com
* Version: 1.0
* License: MIT
* License URI: http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT

function testing_hello($content) {
return $content . ‘<br />hello world, i am here’;
add_filter(‘the_content’, ‘testing_hello’);

Important Step – Re-enter wp-admin->installed plugins and you’ll see new ‘test function’ plugin created, you’ll need to activate them. after that, the filter for the_content() should be working.

You should see ‘hello world, i am here’ after each of your content post.

All new PHP Snippet code insert should be working after this test function plugin activated.

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