How to remove mybloglog white background?

Recently i got an email on how to remove the mybloglog white “join my community” background. It is quite simple actually and some of you guys may already know how to do it 🙂 so for those who haven’t figure out the trick yet, here’s a way to do it


open your style.css or your main css stylesheet and add this couple of this line to it

  • .mbl_join{
    background-color: #E66E87; /*your desired background colour */
    color: #FFFFFF!important;
    text-decoration: none;
    .mbl_join a {
    color: #f5f5f5!important;
    text-decoration: none;

and that’s it!…as you can see the added !important before the closing css mark. This is to ignore or enforce the use of your own css style into the mybloglog original css and remove the white background from it.

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