Business Communication Essentials: Tips for Handling Email in a Professional Manner

business-communication-essentials-tips-for-handling-email-in-a-professional-mannerAnyone in business understands the major importance that email has in almost every facet of business. It’s a tool used for recruiting, marketing, business inquiries, and all sorts of internal and external communication methods. Email has retained its purpose for being an instant communicator between business professionals. In an age with instant technology, text and video based communication; email is still a prevalent, if not most fundamental form of communication.

It’s no surprise considering its versatility, and the fact that it’s based on acting as a permanent digitalized version of a letter.  Using emails efficiently is where businesses need to be on top of their game. A fundamental service like this can turn into a time sink and inefficient means of communication if not used properly.

Email Providers

There are various email providers for the average consumer. Factor in businesses and it can get difficult to decide what to use. Many email providers provide different features, when in the hands of a professional prove invaluable. Learn about the different services by watching any video tutorials or reading about the features in the designated settings area.  A good service provider can act as an excellent email hosting solution, CMIT can act as the one stop source for a provider.

Top Features

Once you have settled on a certain program, it’s time to use those features. When receiving an email you have a few different options. First off, is it worth replying to this email? Should you delete it? Where do you put it? All of these are important questions that should be figured out right away. One of the things a businessperson doesn’t want to do is waste time. Time is precious and emails can help or hurt that.  If you’re going to reply, do it right away and get to the point, politely of course.

Utilize organizational folders to not get confused and to stay organized. For example if you’re communicating with potential clients, partners, executive members, regular employees, prospective hires, this needs to be delegated to separate folders. Knowing how to do this is imperative in staying focused.

Acting in A Professional Matter

One of the most important ways to use email is by keeping business and personal affairs separate. Free emails are abundant everywhere for personal use. Tools on the Internet have made it simple to split the distinction between personal and business. Professionals want to scan their emails and make sure only important business-related subjects have been mentioned.

Once the distinction has been made clear, you’ll spend less wasted time on frivolous matters. For the most part, email has become the professional domain, as the meaningless time wasters have shifted over to social media platforms. Whilst constructing an email, pay attention to a businesslike subject line that is going to be opened. Avoid any instances of improper word usage or breaking grammatical rules. The tone should be formal in an email that is until you’ve established a personal cadence with whomever you’ve been speaking to; even then it’s important to stay professional.

Just the act of how you send the email says a lot as well. Using the Cc: method puts someone in the conversation, but not directly sent to. Using Bcc: is good for emailing multiple associates the same thing, but who may not know each other personally or of the other persons.

Composing an Email

Always stay on top of your game when writing an email. This means subsequent rounds of editing; making sure attachments are correct, and sending to the correct recipient. It’s always a good thing to have the usual round of polite statements in an email as well. It’s common courtesy and a basic tenant of a usual professional email.

To differentiate yourself, as well as conform to basic communicative practices, always include a signature at the end of the email. Some will opt to have signature files and other outlying appearances. This is all well and good if done tastefully. Some of the basics that should be at the end of email are: your name, website link, company, and contact information through a cell phone.

Overall, emails have stood the test of time as a source for business communication. They are great tools to be used for all kinds of interconnected business deals and getting things organized and finished. As it has become the staple of modern professional communication, it should always be treated in such a matter to facilitate its goals.


Anna Matthews started her e-commerce store several years ago. As a newbie she received lots of help and advice from the online community and is keen to pay that back by using her knowledge to help others who are just starting out.

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