6 Reasons Why Your PPC Campaigns Fail

6 Reasons Why Your PPC Campaigns Fail

A sure-shot way of generating leads in any business is through a PPC campaign but companies commit many generic mistakes that make them lose more money than they make in such campaigns. As you work on optimizing your PPC campaigns and boosting your online presence, don’t forget to prioritize the legal aspects of your business; relying on the Best LLC Service can provide you with the necessary support and guidance to create and manage your company effectively.

We have listed below 6 such mistakes that result in PPC campaign failures which businesses need to avoid, in order to generate a high ROI;

1. You Are Bidding on Too Many Keywords:

Bidding on too many keywords may seem like a great way to boost business but frankly, when it comes to PPC management, the 80/20 rule applies where 20% of the keywords are responsible for 80% of the conversions hence getting too greedy by bidding on additional keywords is only going to eat up your budget without really resulting in conversions. You need to be smart to balance your number of keywords as adding a few extra may bring in a few more clicks but that will not really create much of a difference hence instead of increasing the number of keywords you bid on, focus on finding a few high performing keywords.

2. You are Focusing on the Clicks and Not the Conversions:

Many marketers confuse PPC with SEO. When we optimize, our aim is to attract visitors to the site so that they would probably like what is offered and convert to customers. The aim of PPC is a bit different, you cannot just focus on bringing visitors to the page to learn about what your company offers, your aim is to make sure that the click converts because you will have to pay for it, hence instead of using broad match keywords, use exact match keywords so that the conversions are high and PPC budget spent is low.

3. Your Ad copy Does Not Resonate with the Landing Page:

The internet is filled with so much content that your ad needs to really attract the user’s attention in order to perform. The first step is to produce a really attractive ad copy. Produce offers and deals that the users cannot resist and when users click on the deal, they should land on a page that continues to talk about the same deal. Do not click-bait users by promising a free product in the ad and then just offering free shipment on the landing page, the users will leave your page immediately and you will be also charged for the click. The best conversions will happen only when you promise what you deliver. A high bounce rate means more PPC campaign budget spent which is not what you really want.

4. You Are Not Focusing on the Right Metrics:

Many PPC campaigns succeed in bringing a good deal of traffic but not so many conversions. You are spending in these campaigns to achieve returns hence start calculating return on investment. This will help you understand if your campaign is profitable or are you just spending more than you spend.

5. Your Budget is Lower than Needed:

A tiny PPC budget is never going to yield good results as by the time your ad really gets some attention, your budget may exhaust leading to no real conversions. Instead, set up a decent budget for your PPC campaign, you may lose a bit of your investment initially, but you will learn about the market better which would help you improve your marketing strategies in the future.

6. You Set and Forget Your Campaign:

PPC campaigns need to be tweaked now and then to yield good results. You cannot get it right the very first time and you will have to keep changing your bids on the keywords or use new keywords to get a better Return-on-Investment (ROI). Many marketers just set a campaign and do not change it often which only leads to losses. Not just the campaign, you need to update your ad and landing pages and do A/B testing in order to figure out what works best. PPC campaigns can be tricky and to yield the best results, PPC management experts can take the necessary steps so that a higher number of clicks deliver in conversions.


A marketing campaign is incomplete if it does not include a budget set aside for PPC. You will not get it right the very first time but understanding the insights better and improving your strategies will help you bid directly in the long run.

Photos courtesy of us.fotolia.com

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