SEO Considerations to Make When Rebranding

Rebranding an existing business takes quite a bit of time and effort, and one of the first things that you will need to do is rebrand your website. This means that you will also need to revamp your SEO strategy so that it coincides with your new branding strategy.


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Continue reading to gain access to a few helpful tips that will ensure your rebranding goes smoothly, and that you will not lose your hard-earned search engine ranking along the way. Also remember that, if at any point you find it too difficult to manage all of your rebrandings on your own, you can work with an SEO agency London to get great results.

Redirects Are Your Friend

To preserve as much of your existing SEO as possible, make it a point to redirect each page from your existing website to the new website’s corresponding page. This will also optimise your users’ experience. This process could be pretty complicated, or it could be surprisingly easy, and that will ultimately depend upon the URL structure of your site.

If you decided to change your URL structure, you will basically have two websites with different URL structures and different pages. This means that you won’t be able to redirect your old pages to the same pages on your new site, so you will have to redirect them to what would be the most relevant web pages on the new website instead. Using 301 redirects is the best way to go about doing so.

Update All of Your Social Media Pages

When planning to change your brand’s name altogether, you will need to reserve your domain name prior to actually relaunching your brand. But you also need to keep in mind that not all social media sites will be easy to update because each site has its own way of letting you update your profile’s ID. Remember, social SEO is just as important as on-site SEO, so making sure your social media URLs are updated appropriately will be a vital component of the rebranding process.

Update Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools

Once you are done setting up all of the 301 redirects for your website, you will need to let Google know about the fact that your website is moving and that you are rebranding. Use the convenient ‘change of address’ feature that is found within Google Webmaster Tools. This is an easy way to let Google know what website you are moving to. As long as the website is in your account and you verified the sites, you can inform Google in a couple of simple steps. Then, it is just a matter of letting Google Analytics know that the URL for your website has changed. You can do this simply by logging into your account and editing the settings there.

By keeping the above considerations in mind when you are rebranding your business, you can create a whole new website without having to start from scratch when it comes to SEO.

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