Color Psychology: What Your Brand Colors Say about You

color psychologyYou ever stop to think about color?

Sure, we each have our own favorite colors based on personal preferences. But psychological studies have shown that colors send universal messages.

We see this all over in the wild.

Birds use colorful plumage to attract a mate. Many species of frogs and insects use bright markings to communicate that they are poisonous.

But it’s not just nature. The colors in your branding can speak volumes.

In this article, we’ll look at the psychology of colors and see how they can be used to strengthen your brand.

Color speaks

Everyone wants to maximize the effectiveness of their branding. The best way to do that is to make sure your color choices communicate the same values that your company presents.

Design firms like Studio 44 use the psychology of color to make your color choices consistent wit your brand.

What are these colors saying? Let’s do some interpreting.


Red is one of the most powerful colors on the spectrum. There’s a reason red is used for stop lights and warning signs.

Red evokes a very physical presence. It communicates strength, urgency, and passion.

Marketing firms use red to send a message of excitement and vibrancy. This makes it perfect for restaurants and health clubs.


While red is a very physical color, blue is more intellectual in nature.

Blue emits a sense of familiarity. Marketers use it to communicate a sense of trust and comfort.

This makes it a popular choice for social media companies, home improvement stores, and retailers.


In the days of the ancients, purple was only attained using the most expensive dyes. Because of this, purple has long been associated with royalty.

Today, purple is often associated with wealth, wisdom, and imagination. Thinktanks, internet companies, and luxury companies often turn to purple in their branding.


Yellow is the happiest color on the spectrum. Yellow conjures up sunshine, flowers, and songbirds.

Yellow’s brightness makes it very eye catching.

However, tone is everything when it comes to yellow. The wrong shade can evoke a sick feeling.


Green is everywhere in nature.

Because of this, green communicates a strong sense of growth and wellness. Green speaks to freshness, vitality, and harmony.

It’s also the color of money.

Green is a common choice for organic food companies, financial firms, and energy companies.


Like yellow and red, orange is very noticeable. It mixes all the passion of red with the optimism of yellow.

As a result, orange communicates a playfulness that other colors can’t match.

Orange is a common choice with children’s companies, as well as cheeky, irreverent businesses.


But maybe your company doesn’t play around. Instead, you want to communicate seriousness. Authority.

Black has psychological connotations of death, grief, and fear. However, it carries a gravity that you can use in your branding design to tell the world you mean business.

Monochromatic color schemes can also communicate calm and tranquility.

What is your company’s branding saying?

Your business’s color palette speaks volumes.

And by combining colors, you can say even more.

So stop sending mixed signals. Choose a color scheme for your company that speaks loud and clear.

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