5 Reasons to Hire A Marketing Company for Your eCommerce Store

reasons to hire marketing company for ecommerce store
Have you recently got into eCommerce, but you feel like you are fighting a losing battle against search engine giants and other sellers? That is why you need to hire a marketing company to handle your marketing for you.

The Benefits

Hiring a marketing company to help you with your eCommerce venture is not just about getting some pretty pictures and a couple of social posts back from them. Companies like  Nuanced Media, a US-based Amazon, and eCommerce specialist agency, will be able to walk you through the finer details of your account, like how to set up your account for success, and how to run campaigns.

The benefits of a marketing company are many, far too many to list in this short article. Still, we will go over some of the biggest benefits below, and hopefully, convince you to pick up the phone to a marketing agency today!


If there are one thing marketers know about its branding. Why is branding important? Branding is the way you communicate your why to your customer, it is how you create customer interest and customer loyalty, ensuring that they come back time after time to purchase from you.

marketing company help branding
Getting everything from your email signature to a business card you slip into your product packaging branded is vital; it creates what marketers call ‘touchpoints’, points in the customer journey where your name comes up time and time again.


Another skill that a good marketing agency will have in abundance is vision. You will find that many marketing agencies have worked with clients just like you before, and they will be able to draw on that knowledge to create your customer vision going forward.

This can be a difficult thing to quantify when thinking purely about the return on investment but having a sit down with your marketing agency to brainstorm new ideas and to go through your seller experience with them really is priceless.

Industry Clout

This one cannot be disputed. Many marketing agencies have been working for a long time within their particular industry, which is good for you because it means they may carry some weight and clout with the industry experts.

If you are busy selling on Amazon, for example, and something goes wrong, you could be waiting hours, if not days, for someone to help you via live chat. Having personal links and addresses to someone who can help you is something that most marketing agencies will be able to help with.

Read also: How to Rank for Amazon Searches

Experienced Enough Not to Panic

Speaking of things going wrong, what would you do if there was a sudden disaster? Do not want to think about it? That is why you need a marketing agency.

marketing company can handle disaster
Marketing agencies face ‘disasters’ daily, whether it’s a Twitter storm or a storefront that has suddenly decided it doesn’t want to show buyers any products, they’ve dealt with it, and they will be able to deal with it effectively and efficiently without any fuss or panic.


Ryan Flannagan is the Founder & CEO of NuancedMedia, an international eCommerce marketing agency specializing in Amazon. Nuanced has sold $100s of Millions online and Ryan has built a client base representing a total revenue of over 1.5 billion dollars. Ryan is a published author and has been quoted by a number of media sources such as BuzzFeed and Modern Retail. To connect with Ryan, check out @Ryanflannagan on Twitter or via Linkedin

Photos courtesy of gettyimages.com

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