4 Excellent Homepage Designs to Inspire Your Website

homepage design inspirationAlthough the homepage isn’t always the first contact customers have with your website, it plays a huge role in securing customers. Typically, multiple buttons lead customers back to the homepage, and when they get there, potential clients look for compelling images, robust value propositions, beautiful design, and a strong logo.

“A well thought out home page design creates a visual trail of breadcrumbs that can effectively guide your visitors to discovering your services/products effortlessly,” explains Connie Wong of Website Builder Expert. “The page layout will also direct your visitors to know where to take action and follow through to the next step.”

If they see what they like, visitors are more likely to follow through on your calls to action. You’ll gain more customer interest if you present a more professional and appealing website.

As you go about designing your homepage, take a few ideas from the following stellar examples.

1. Basecamp

A great homepage begins with a question: What can our company do for you? The homepage for Basecamp, a project management system, answers that in multiple ways, starting with an image of the kind of chaos and confusion many organizations struggle with, and how the Basecamp program is the perfect solution.

The firm answers that key question further by explaining not only the benefits of trying the program for free, but also offering statistics on how many companies have achieved success by using Basecamp.

To top it all off, the layout is extremely simple. There’s no cluttered imagery or stressful scrolling mechanisms. What you see is what you get, and for Basecamp’s intended audience (which is likely feeling a little frazzled already), the simplicity is probably highly appealing.

2. Gruber Law Offices

For service-based companies, the homepage for Gruber Law Offices in Wisconsin is a great example to follow. Along with compelling imagery that shows the company’s services in action, Gruber Law’s homepage features a variety of well-placed call-to-action buttons.

The site also explains everything you would need to know about the firm from the get-go. You know what they do, the services they offer, their success record, credentials in the press, news stories that focus the company, organizations they’ve serviced, and a lot more.

Last, but not least, they provide plenty of points of contact. The phone number remains in the header as you scroll, and contact information is on its own page as well as in the footer.

A chat box is also available, and since chat is the preferred form of communication for most of today’s Internet users, this homepage sets an excellent standard for today’s in-demand webpage design.

3. KIND Snacks

Homepages are becoming simpler, and the homepage for KIND Snacks is a great example of this. The color scheme is in line with that of the company’s packaging, and the colors tend to evoke positive emotions among viewers.

Not only is there a great color scheme, but we have clear images of the organization’s projects all over the homepage, which makes the call-to-action buttons that say “Try Now” or “Shop Now” strongly appealing to KIND’s target audience.

KIND also ensures complete transparency with the ingredients of its product lines, and the way the products are made and packaged. There are buttons to each information page all over the homepage so the target audience, which tends to be concerned about health and environmental safety, will feel secure about their purchases.

4. New York Dental Office

Here’s another outstanding example of a service-based website that’s excelling in its homepage design. Among service-based businesses, powerful imagery of your products in action, happy clients, and well-designed offices tend to be most appealing to your clientele.

Toward those ends, New York Dental Office does a great job with its homepage. At the top, you see clear and easy navigation buttons cresting over a slider that offers key reasons you could benefit from using the company’s services.

The featured calls to action seal the deal. There’s also basic information about the history of the business and the quality of professionals on staff.

New York Dental Office excels at using multi-media on the homepage to drive its point home. The office provides a collection of images and videos to explain exactly what services New York Dental offers, who the staff healthcare professionals are, and the results you can get from using their services.

Together, these multi-media representations make it easy for customers to sign up. Whether you’re running an online business, or have services to offer in a brick-and-mortar location, these homepage examples should help you design an appealing and effective website.

Do more research as you develop the design and explore various options for homepages to get the best final product.

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