5 Main Difference Between Web Design and Web Development

the difference between design and development
Bot web designing and web development help in building a website but are often confused to be the same because they sound so. In reality, however, web design and web development are involved in very different aspects of the website.

These two terms are fundamentally different aspects of the website building process, requiring two unique skill sets that are essentially not similar to each other. This is to say that even though they are overlapping and guiding the same process, they are doing it in separate roles and functions.

It is important to know the difference between the two roles to facilitate making hiring easier. A Ukraine-based company, Brights, is a perfect example of a web design and development company that allows you to understand what the importance of both of those roles is and why they need separate attention. Read on to know what are the important differences.

1. Roles

A web designer’s role is restricted to the usability and the aesthetic of the website. This is called the user interface, which is not only dependent on user demands but also the plausibility thereof in a smooth functioning way.

A web developer, on the other hand, makes a functioning website. This is the backstage for user-interface operations that take place only after the developers code it a certain way. These developers code their way into making the website a functional link and beyond.

2. Core areas of work

Developing involves a lot of coding, working on errors, and developing the interface to a usable extent so that people can use the website. This includes hyperlinking, putting images and text in particular places and the tabs that are differentiated.

development involve coding
A designer works on making this design appealing. Working on the font size of the tabs, making a hyperlink text visible, and choosing the right pictures consist of the work of a designer.

3. Back-end vs front-end

For web developers, coding is the back-end, which mostly means it supports the whole website like a backbone. PHP and the likes are used for coding, which helps develop the website as a whole rather than just individual elements. Back-end also allows for certain functions to work in a unique way that is unlike how things mostly work. They work on servers and databases, not the browser.

Front-end coding is lighter in terms of algorithms and more concerned with how things look than functioning. Web designers work on CSS, HTML and the like to create quirky designs that help the user adapt to the website easily. They work on the browser and the final look of it all and are not invested in the technicality.

4. User-Interaction

A web designer extensively works so that the user interactions with the website become better and that more users get attracted to the website due to ease and convenience and usability. In a way, they interact with the user’s tastes and preferences directly so as to work out a way to satisfy their experience better.

designing user interface
Meanwhile, a web developer has to work not with what the user is seeing but what he is clicking. They are guided in terms of visuals by designers but are the decision-makers for the usage of the visitor on the website. They help him browse through the website tabs much more easily through better features.

5. Problems faced

The problems that a web developer faces are far more technical and specific. These might be related to coding, the interface function, or even the hyperlinks sometimes. They need to fix bugs and glitches of the website so that it is up and running all the time — even one extra character can mess with the coding. Web developers have to look into the safety of the website and the transactions as well.

Web designers face user-related problems that don’t just refine to graphics but extend to research into the users’ demographics and website-related needs. They tap into the expectations of the general user and take out an average of the tastes and preferences to work on them. They delve into the statistics just to find out what works and what doesn’t and then work on minute details to overcome this.

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